Ruthie said mommy should do a blog of the names that everyone calls me. I have so many, sometimes I think I have a split personality! Here goes:
- Sonny
- Sonny-bunkins
- Bunnells (bun-nulls)
- Sonny-bun, Sonny-bunny
- Bunny (what a sissy name!)
- Beanells (bee-nulls)
- Sweetie
- Puppy
- Baby
- Sweetums puppums
- Sweetums
- puppums
- baby bunny killer
- burrito thief
- aggressive toe eater
- cutie-pie stinky
- cute-i-cums
- poopers
- dog
- what-a-dog
- boodgie (bood like "good", gee like "gee-whiz")
- stinker
- boodgers (see "boodgie")
- stink-ums
- butter-dog (long story - I will tell sometime)
That's all I can think of for now. I think it's enough, don't you?
Hi Sonny,
You really love your grandma and sister, dont you?
Those are interesting names. I like "aggressive toe eater" and "burrito thief". Or "baby bunny killer" !? Ohhh poor bunnies...
Thanks, Matilda. My mommy won't let me eat baby bunnies, except when she doesn't know they are there and I do. I AM a dog, after all. ^_^
Hi Sonny Im mini! You do look comfy!
Hi, Mini. Glad you came. Someday my mommy will update my blog, but she has been very busy. Stop by for more!
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